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Managed Business Intelligence

Our AI Platform offers both the tools and guidance to transform vast amounts of data into a competitive advantage leveraging generative AI.

AI-Ready Data Lakehouse and Unity Catalog

The Right Setup and Support for Business Success

To compete in today’s business landscape, organizations in every industry must be savvy with data. Making quick, data-informed decisions is a key driver of business success. You can capitalize on business intelligence with the right setup and support.

Skypoint helps you identify valuable data opportunities, build robust BI tools, and implement processes and infrastructure to promote data cleanliness and governance. With our AI platform, you can seamlessly turn data into insights and insights into actions to drive more impactful decision-making.

Standardized Data Modeling for Scalable Business Intelligence

Our Business Intelligence solution is built to help you get the most out of your data. We utilize a four-step process that incorporates vital data modeling, creating a semantic layer for businesses across diverse industries to ensure repeatable results. With data visualization tools like Power BI, our approach provides users insight into their digital landscape — allowing them to unlock true potential from analytical results.

How Skypoint Business Intelligence Works:

Skypoint’s managed BI solution provides a dynamic four-step process to create meaningful findings from raw information. With enhanced modeling and semantic layering capabilities, organizations of all sizes can reap powerful, strategic industry-specific intelligence.

1. Import Data

Import data from disparate sources into the Skypoint Lakehouse using Dataflow, Skypoint’s built-in ELT tool.

2. Unify Data

Data is then unified through a process known as master data management—creating “golden record” profiles for ML models.

3. Model Data

A carefully crafted data model provides an organized framework for establishing relationships between data entities, and enabling repeatable KPIs.

4. Visualize

Visualize valuable BI and predictive insights, or export outputs and execute with 3rd-party applications.

Why Skypoint BI:

Built-in Data Model & Semantic Layer

Traditional BI solutions often overlook key steps in between collecting and measuring metrics. Skypoint’s BI solution incorporates essential data modeling for creating reliable results that can be applied across all industries.

Industry-Specific KPIs

By using customized data models and semantic layers, Skypoint’s BI saves time and resources by providing a framework for analyzing and visualizing data that is specific to healthcare, senior living, retail and hospitality.

Managed BI

With our managed BI services, you get a dedicated team of experts managing your BI infrastructure, ensuring data quality, security, and compliance.

Skypoint BI Technical Capabilities:

Skypoint’s BI solution incorporates a vital data modeling process, critical for creating scalable insights that can be standardized across industries.

Skypoint unifies and transforms data to a specific structure, creating a semantic layer that enables users to easily visualize data in popular tools like Power BI and Excel.

Skypoint’s Headless BI promotes streamlined workflows and business optimization by integrating directly into other applications. End users can access data instantly through an API or query language, allowing for customized visualizations tailored to their needs. Separating the user interface from the analysis helps improve efficiency when leveraging insights from complex datasets in various systems such as CRM or ERP platforms.

Analyze data using a variety of techniques, including statistical analysis, data mining, and predictive analytics.

Create visualizations that enable users to quickly and easily interpret data, including charts, graphs, and dashboards, using popular tools like Power BI, Tableau, and others.

Generate reports that provide a summary of key data insights, trends, and KPIs.

Enable users to access and analyze data without the need for IT assistance, through user-friendly interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality.

Ensure data security and compliance with industry regulations, including data encryption, access controls, and auditing.

Skypoint Pre-built KPIs by Industry:

Master Data Management - Healthcare

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Your Quadruple Aim Healthcare Framework Efforts

These healthcare-specific KPIs help payers and providers identify areas where they can improve across four main areas: patient outcomes, patient experiences, reducing healthcare costs, and optimizing the well-being of healthcare providers.

Patient Experience KPIs:
  • Patient Satisfaction Scores / Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Average Patient Wait Time (waiting rooms, time to appointment, or test results)
  • Patient Education (how well healthcare providers are able to educate patients about their health conditions, treatment options, and self-care)
  • Appointment Time Adherence (healthcare providers)
  • Number of Patient Complaints
  • Ease of Access (appointment scheduling, transportation, and geographic proximity)
  • Continuity of Care (coordination of care across multiple providers, settings, and time periods)
  • Communication (provider listening skills, language barriers, and cultural competency)
Population Health KPIs:
  • Health Equity (equitable outcomes across different populations, including race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status)
  • Health Literacy Rates (ability to access, understand, and act on healthcare information)
  • Hospital-Acquired Infection Rate
  • Preventive Care Compliance (patients receiving recommended preventive care services)
  • Behavioral Health Utilization (depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, and the utilization of behavioral health services)
  • Number of Preventive Health Screenings
  • Chronic Disease Management (percentage of patients with diabetes who meet A1c targets)
  • Vaccination Rates
  • Patient Education and Engagement (are patients are actively involved, have access to the information and resources )
  • Patient-reported Outcomes
  • Public Health Emergency Preparedness (healthcare system’s ability to respond to public health emergencies, such as natural disasters and pandemics)
Cost Reduction KPIs:
  • Operating Margin
  • Total Cost Per Patient
  • Cost Per Encounter
  • Number of Emergency Department (ED) Visits
  • Utilization Rates (e.g., emergency room visits, hospitalizations)
  • Average Length of Stay
  • Prescription Drug Costs
  • ROI of Healthcare Interventions
  • Percentage of Patients who receive high-value, cost-effective care
  • Readmission Rates
Provider Work-Life KPIs:
  • Burnout Rate
  • Staff Sentiment / Job Satisfaction
  • Churn/Turnover Rate
  • Patient Load Per Staff
  • Avg. Time Spent on Administrative Tasks
  • Workload Distribution
  • Training and Development Score
  • Resource Accessibility
  • Workforce Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

130+ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Optimal Resident & Staff Experiences

130+ standardized KPIs help senior living operators and REITs identify areas where they can improve resident care, reduce costs, optimize sales and marketing outputs, and monitor staffing satisfaction to mitigate burnout. 

20+ Resident Satisfaction / Care Quality KPIs, including:
  • Resident satisfaction rate – Measures the percentage of residents in a senior living community who are satisfied with their overall experience. 
  • Resident retention rate – Measures the community’s ability to provide a high-quality living experience that keeps residents satisfied and engaged.
  • Total time spent with residents – Indicates the community’s ability to provide quality care and engagement to the residents.
  • Residents personal care time – Used to measure the amount of time spent by staff providing personal care services to residents, (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, grooming, etc. 
  • Activities participation rate – Measures the effectiveness of the community’s activities and programs and identifies areas of improvement for resident engagement and well-being.
  • % of Residents receiving regular preventive care – Percentage of residents who receive regular preventive care such as screenings, vaccinations, and check-ups. 
  • Number of complaints and incident reports – Measures the total number of complaints and incident reports that are filed by residents, families, staff, or other parties.
  • Dining Satisfaction – Measures the level of satisfaction of residents with their meals and dining experiences in a senior living community.
20+ Staffing & Recruiting KPIs, including:
  • Staff turnover rate – Measures the effectiveness of the community’s human resources policies.
  • Staff training hours per employee – Measures the effectiveness of the community’s staff training programs.
  • Total candidates contacted vs. candidate responses – Measures the effectiveness of the community/operator’s recruitment efforts.
  • Staffing below your labor budget minimums – Identifies areas where the community/operator may be understaffed and where additional staff members may be required.
  • Staffing above your target labor budget – Measures the difference between the budgeted target number of staff members required to operate a community versus actual staff on hand.
  • Scheduled overtime – Measures additional labor costs incurred due to overtime, and ensure staff is not overworked, with enough coverage to meet the resident needs.
  • Number of open shifts by position / location / department – Measures the staffing levels of the facility and to identify areas where staffing shortages may be occurring.
50+ Finance & Operations KPIs, including:
  • Occupancy Rate – percentage of total units that are occupied by residents.
  • Average Length of Stay – Average duration of resident stay in the senior living community.
  • Revenue per occupied unit (RPU) – Total revenue generated by the community during a certain period of time / # of occupied units during that period
  • Average Daily Rate (ADR) – Average daily rate charged for each resident.
  • Revenue Per Available Unit (RevPAU) – Total revenue generated per available unit.
  • Net Operating Income (NOI) – Profitability of the organization after deducting operating expenses from revenue.
  • Food per resident per day (FPRPD) – Indicates the community’s ability to manage food costs and provide nutritious meals for residents
  • Maintenance per occupied unit – Indicates the community’s ability to manage maintenance costs and keep the units in good condition
30+ Sales & Marketing KPIs, including:
  • Lead volume – Number of potential residents or their representatives who have expressed interest in the community.
  • Lead to move-in conversion rate – Used to measure the proportion of leads that ultimately result in a move-in.
  • Appointment ratio – Indicates the community’s ability to effectively engage with leads and schedule appointments with them
  • Average conversion rate – Measures the proportion of leads that are successfully converted into move-ins. 
  • Marketing qualified leads (MQLs) by source  – Identifies which marketing strategies, tactics and channels are most effective in generating leads.
  • Number of referrals – The number of referrals is a metric that measures the total number of residents who have been referred to a senior living community by a third party.
  • Speed to Lead – Measures the amount of time it takes for the community to follow up with a lead after it is received.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Unparalleled Customer Journeys

These retail-specific KPIs help identify customer pain points, predict potential outcomes, and provide proactive, unparalleled experiences throughout the buyer’s journey.

Sales & Revenue KPIs:
  • Average Order Value (AOV) – Helps optimize pricing and promotion strategies to increase revenue per order.
  • Basket Size – Average number of items per transaction.  Measures the effectiveness of merchandising and pricing strategies.
  • Sales Per Square Foot – Total sales / the total square footage. Measures the productivity of the store’s retail space. 
  • Conversion rate – The % of web visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) – The cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and advertising expenses.
  • Cart Abandonment Rate – How many users are adding products to their shopping cart but not checking out. 
  • Product affinity/relationship – Which products are purchased together or viewed consecutively. Can inform cross-promotion strategies.
Customer Service, Engagement & Retention KPIs:
  • Customer Sentiment Trend – Identify and extract subjective information from customer feedback in the form of written reviews, social media posts, or survey responses
  • Repeat purchase rate – The percentage of customers who make more than one purchase from you over a specific period of time
  • Customer Retention Rate – The percentage of customers who continue to do business with you over time.
  • Customer service call/chat count – How frequently your customer support team is reached via phone or online chat.
  • First response time – Average amount of time it takes a customer to receive the first response to their query. 
  • Average resolution time – How long it takes for a customer support issue to be resolved.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) – Identify high-value customers and predict the value they would bring to your business in the future.
  • Customer Churn Rate – Indicates how quickly customers are leaving/canceling/failing to renew.
Marketing & Advertising KPIs:
  • Website traffic – Measures the total number of visitors to the company’s website, unique visitors, page views, and other engagement metrics.
  • Cost per click (CPC) – Measures the cost of each click on a paid advertising campaign, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
  • Click-through rate (CTR) – Measures the percentage of people who click on an ad after seeing it. 
  • Conversion Rate by Channel – measures the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, like a purchase or completing a form.
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) – Measures the revenue generated by an advertising campaign compared to the amount spent on the campaign.
  • Cost Per Lead (CPL) – Average cost of marketing and advertising to create a new lead.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Exceeding Guest Expectations

These hospitality-specific KPIs help identify pain points, predict potential needs, and provide the unique, personalized guest experiences they came for.

Finance & Operational Efficiency KPIs:
  • Occupancy rate – This is the percentage of available rooms or units that are currently occupied by guests.
  • Average daily rate (ADR) – This is the average price per room or unit sold per day.
  • Revenue per available room (RevPAR) – This is the total revenue generated by a hotel divided by the number of available rooms.
  • Gross operating profit per available room (GOPPAR) – Total gross operating profit generated by a hotel divided by the number of available rooms.
  • Room revenue contribution  This is the percentage of a hotel’s revenue that comes from room sales.
  • Food and beverage revenue contribution  – % of a hotel’s revenue that comes from food and beverage sales.
  • Cost Per Occupied Room (CPOR)  – Total cost of operating a room divided by the number of occupied rooms.
  • Average length of stay – This is the average number of nights that guests stay at a hotel.
  • Employee Turnover Rate  This is the percentage of employees who leave a hotel each year.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) –  This is a measure of how much profit a hotel is generating compared to the amount of money invested.
  • Average Check –  Average amount spent by guests on food and beverages.
  • Food cost percentage % percentage of a restaurant’s revenue that goes towards the cost of food.
Guest/Employee Experience KPIs:
  • Table turnover rate –  The number of times a table is occupied by guests in a given period of time.
  • Average wait time –  Average amount of time guests wait to be seated or served.
  • Guest satisfaction score  – This is a measure of how satisfied guests are with their overall experience at a hotel.
  • Repeat guest rate – The percentage of guests who have stayed at the hotel before and choose to stay again.
  • Employee Satisfaction Score  This is a measure of how satisfied employees are with their job and work environment.
  • Online reputation score –  This is a measure of a hotel’s reputation based on online reviews and ratings.

Skypoint BI Thought Leadership:

Featured BI Case Study

Learn how HAPO credit union modernized their data and analytics processes with WhereScape data warehouse automation and Power BI to forecast trends and react faster during uncertain times.

How Can We Help With Your Business Intelligence Challenges?

Today you have a ton of data that is working against you rather than working for you. We’re excited to show you a better way with business intelligence.

Having unique tools for specific use cases is not uncommon—in fact, it’s usually required to get the job done right. Unfortunately, this growing laundry list of tools and systems (aka “data stack”) means you’ve got priceless data piling up in separate silos everywhere.

Implement a centralized data repository that integrates with all touchpoints to unify data from multiple sources and create a single source of truth.

Data repository features:

Dirty data hinders the adoption of BI insights and solutions. Establish a data governance policy and use automation tools to support data cleanliness and integrity.

Data governance features:

You don’t need to have all of these high-cost internal resources around all the time. Instead, you can find creative ways to access advanced-level skills, services, and solutions. An intuitive, self-service BI tool enables business users with no technical skills to build dashboards, visualize data, and turn insights into actions.

Whenever you do decide that you need data scientists and developers, Skypoint Cloud is ready to jump in to support your team.

Self-service BI solutions:

Data silos lead to conflicting and inaccurate analytics, which does more harm than good when you’re trying to leverage data to advance the business. You need to unify data from multiple sources and create a centralized single source of truth.

Data unification features:

Your BI solution is only as effective as your team’s ability to use it. It’s time to focus on building a data-driven culture, providing ongoing training, and implementing an easy-to-use data platform that drives adoption.

Our Modern Data Stack Platform offers both the support and the technology to help you get the most out of your existing BI solutions. Bonus: Since Skypoint Cloud has 200+ integrations, you’ll get more value from your other applications too.

BI adoption features:

Become a More Efficient Data-Driven Organization

Ready to get the most value from your data? Skypoint Cloud connects unified data with the most popular tools so you can safely automate critical tasks and accelerate innovation.